When attempting to contemplate ones life and its direction you cant help but feel just a little lost and overwelmed. That is how I have felt for the last month. I do not know what I'm trying to do or why I am trying to do it. I have no desire to really do anything more than what I am doing now except for the little voice in my head telling me that I need to perform so that society sees me as a unique outstanding individual. I continue to listen to that little voice and make desicions that society would prefer me to make.
Today I cleaned the garage, washed dishes, and bought groceries. My only contact with humanity today was avoiding people at Winco. It seems to be pretty busy at Winco on Sundays. Im used to being there at 2 or 3 in the morning so I never have to manuever in and around people shopping. The garage was full of maggots and flies. I found several pieces of meat rotting. I also filled about 5x33 gallon trash bags. I am not tired physically but I am mentally. I called Luke today to see if he wanted to hang out but he was busy. Jared had to work and so did Kevin. So i just sat at my house. I dont know what to do with myself. Well good night all.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -Albert Einstein