It was an interesting night that was for sure, getting off work and going to my computer chatting it up with some friends eating some food and just kinda sitting around. Ok so maybe really not all that interesting of a night.
However my dream was far more interesting. I was down in Corvallis and I was visiting for figure out my school situation and while I was there I decided I wanted to visit some friends and family. So I began to try and dial my brother lukes phone number and was unable to do so. It appeared as though I could not physically dial the number or look it up in my contacts list. So I began to try other numbers in my phone and alas not a sing one would dial. So I found my self running to the nearest pay phone to try and call from there only to find the same dilemma after that I searched through the phone book in an effort to find the addresses for the people I was trying to dial. After a brief moment of searching I realized that I already new the exact addresses of those people. So I headed out on foot in order to find them. After about 5 minutes of walking I suddenly found myself on an old railway tram sitting next to a small oriental family with rugged clothing. After attempting to converse with them I became frustrated and woke up.
I was subconsiously aware that I slept in passed my normal time but I wasnt going to give up on figuring out this frustrating dream of mine and so I fought waking up untill the dream made so little sense it was not woth the sacrifice. You could say however that for that hour and a half on a monday morning Sam Dotson was truly "Pursuing his Dream."