Monday, July 28, 2008

Summer 2008

Summer to date has been quite the ride. Started out by moving back in with my parents in Hermiston Oregon. Upon arrival back at the house i quickly discovered that my room had been taken over as an extended storage room for my parents. After about a week the room was finally cleared. The two main reasons I moved back to Hermiston was; 1. living at my parents house provided me with a rent free place to live; 2. I had a job lined up with OfficeMax and I didnt feel like applying for a job down in Eugene.

I resumed my job at OfficeMax to discover that my department had slightly restructered. Kori the new supervisor is pretty cool and isnt much older than myself so we have quite a bit in common. Overall however the department runs alot the same as it did except perhaps a bit more organized of an operation.

While in Hermiston I couldnt help but pick up my work of freelance computer consulting and repair. In fact I am currently in the process of creating my own business out of the whole ordeal.

Mid summer I had a suprise surgery that took me out for a while wasnt to happy with that kinda put a damper in the business and especially my bicycling. Guess I am not going to be able to do any of the longer rides I had planned for this summer.

Well its late and This post is far to short so Ill have to write more later.

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