Well, lets see its been a while since my last post and a lot has transpired. Since my last post I have graduated from my school in Pensacola Florida, taken leave to Oregon, moved to Hawaii, and have enrolled in courses at Hawaii Pacific University. I also met an amazing girl while in Florida and had an awesome time with her and with the friends I made in my 8 months living there. I look forward to recreating a similar experience while living here in Hawaii.
I graduated from my Marine Corps A school with a 97% at the top of my class. (Bragging a little I know) I found the course material to be somewhat informative however lacking in overall competence. Memorizing a bunch of random technical specifications about a varied grouping of comm equipment really doesn't make you effective at employing and troubleshooting said pieces of equipment. I did think however the sections on networking and server administration were somewhat well spent.
I continue in short summery onto this girl that I met in A school. Her name was Tanya and she was from San Diego, she was short being half Korean and full of energy. I met her on a random date that actually wasn't too eventful, well minus the drunken ending. We went to dinner and then ended up the night at a bar near base... while at the bar my friend and I refrained from drinking too much however the girls proceeded to indulge. As the night came to a close we took the girls back to their dorms and as we where walking through the parking lot Tanya put on my coat while I was still wearing it... After laughing for a bit about it I took it off and lended it to her for the remainder of the walk back. The next day she in a bit of embarrassment returned my coat to me. After that we began to spend the remainder of our time in Florida spending the weekends camping and a trip to New Orleans etc... It was a refreshing way to finish out my last 3 months in Florida and I was glad for it.
While in Oregon I ran a bit, visited as many friends and family as possible. I started out by flying into Portland and heading down to Corvallis where I spent a week there and then proceeded to Hermiston to spend an extended amount of time with my parents while arranging some of my remaining affairs. While in Hermiston I had the opportunity to teach a quick little history class on the Marine Corps to my moms 5th grade class. The class was very responsive and paid a lot of attention to what I had to say I quizzed them at the end and passed out candy to all the individuals who answered correctly.
I have recently moved to Hawaii and have been exploring the Island only to be interrupted by the occasional work day and gaming binge. The most interesting place I have been so far is a series of waterfalls outside of Kailua that are a short hike into the mountains. They are fairly entertaining to jump off of being only about 45 feet in height. I have also been getting licensed on a range of military vehicles that I find large and cumbersome.
In other news I have recently been reading extensively on entrepreneurship and its effect on the economy. which reignited my thoughts on finishing my degree so I went down to the Joint Education Center here on base and applied at Hawaii Pacific University, I was surprised with how fast my approval to the school was processed but considering they work closely with the Marine Corps I guess there shouldn't have been any surprise. I declared my major in Business Admin Computer Information Systems and take my first class this may. The course I selected was Human Resource Management 3400 should be a good course and it is an accelerated term so I plan on putting forth a fairly high level of focus and energy to hopefully build momentum going into finishing the rest of my degree.
Physical fitness: while all this has transpired I have also been working on my physical fitness. I have been seeing fairly decent results, having a lower body fat percentage and achieving higher max lifts across the board. However I do feel like improvements could have been made at a faster pace I am satisfied with my current progress and aim to do more.
In summery I would say the last months of absence have been spent in a major effort to improve my self and maximize my life. however there has been too little self reflection during that course of time and although it is pretty cliche to write this I am going to make more of an effort to keep this blog up to date. It is something fairly near and dear to me even if it is only a collection of ramblings it is still a piece of my conscience written in plain view and stored for later reflection.
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