Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sand Castles

Sometimes I feel as though I have nothing to write. I feel as though I am out of practice with writing itself and expressing my thoughts in text requires more energy than I want to muster. However difficult it may sometimes be I still need to write something to remember I am still exist that I have some level of consciousness. It is reassurance that I am able to still create new thought in some organized fashion. My job working as a Satellite Communications Tech requires that I setup, configure and troubleshoot other people's creations. Although I feel like there is some creation and original thought in creating ways to work around issues. All in all I still need to vent creativity in a more extended format.

I recently have been feeling a little more awakened and directed in my life. Since I have been deployed I have had a lot more time of my own to manage and with that new projects to pursue. I have quite a few ambitions which range from continuing my pursuits in server administration to economics. I want to create something big in this life but in order to to that it is going to take a lot of little steps and accomplishments build.

Today was a big day for me and yet I actually didn't do that much at all. I woke up ate breakfast, went downstairs to my gym for about 30 minutes followed up with a shower. Following my shower I got online and was able to talk to my Girlfriend, it seems like no matter what is going on in the rest of my life my day is invariably influenced by her. Needless to say the rest of the day didn't matter I was happy and content with where my life was at and headed. I did get to play with our pet monkey a little bit more today however, he is really cool and he is terrified of our dogs. I had been walking around the back and one of our dogs was following me and as I walked past the monkey's house he jumped on my shoulder and started yelling at the dog peaking out from behind my shoulder.

I also recently finished The Left the Right and The State it wasn't much of a book more like a collection of articles (which it was) that had collective thought but became very repetitive. It also lacked a full perspective, seeing that it was written over the course of decades. The message over all was more of the typical Libertarian/Rothbardian rhetoric. Focusing on monetary policies, renunciation of public programs and restrictions on personal liberties. I recommend it for individuals who want an intermediate perspective into Libertarian policy. I thought Ron Paul's book Revolution: A Manifesto or Ludwig Von Mises' Economic Policy are better introductions to the theories if you are not already familiar. Next on my list of books to read is Murray Rothbard's Case for the 100% Gold Dollar and John Locke's Two Treatise of Government.

Being deployed is an awesome opportunity and I have been enjoying every minute of it. Don't get me wrong though I can't wait for the day to be back in the United States and be with family and friends. I think I am going to leave this paragraph unfinished much like my life.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

The Next Chapter

I just finished watching "The Social Network" and have been attempting to internalize the thoughts that have been running through my head since. Although I feel like my life is on the verge of another chapter entirely I feel a sense of stagnation. A sense that I need to move onto something new something greater. I have had this feeling a lot in my life I suppose i should give it tribute to most of my career decisions to date. Part of the reason I joined the Marine Corps among many others was my in ability not to embrace this fleeting emotion. Apparently locking myself into a law binding contract really helps with overcoming it.

My thoughts of late have given me more pause, Although I can not fully embrace these Ideas I can however begin to plan to put myself in a position to better execute them when I am in a position to do so. I want to be able to create and build and express design however feeling confined in my current state it creates a bit of claustrophobia.

I leave in a few days. I wont be back for 9 months, and when I do it will not be the same person who wrote this string of text. It will be a new more evolved state of me, I just can't help but wonder what he will look like and how he will act. Will he be more energetic? or perhaps stronger and faster? I fear at times he will degrade over these coming months though optimistically push those thoughts out of my mind. All I know is I can't wait to meet him and if all goes well show him off to my family and friends.