Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"Live" less Live more...

My Thoughts
There is alot to be said about someone who has enough self discipline to budget their time and money. Over the past couple weeks I have been attempting to do exactly that however the actually pulling it off is another story. I consistently find myself in only two gears, not doing anything and spending everything. I know somewhere in between is the balance but finding it is harder than it seems. So for now I locked a sizable amount of money (while I still have it) away in a certificate. This is only my temporary solution, eventually I will have to find something more permanent.

College and Careers (Having it all!)
College students think that they have to sacrifice their ability to get great and exciting jobs while they are going to school. However the truth is far from it. Through my own experiences I have observed that even in high school, people that are driven and have a developed skill set can get jobs that are gratifying and pay well.

When I was in high school I applied at a small computer repair shop not thinking that I would get the job. However to my surprise I ended up having the opportunity to make 10-15 dollars an hour over the course of a year. I learned everything from registry editing to RAID configurations and when my friends asked me where I worked I would proudly inform them I worked for P4 and More on Main St. Unlike the rest of my friends who didn't want to be seen by girls at work I was more than anxious to let people know I worked for a decent wage at a job that took some skill. In college so far I started at Subway (a easy mindless job) where I did not mind working but I didn't LOVE working there. So I applied for other jobs until I landed a job with a local Internet Service Provider. Now I work in an industry that both pays well and interests me, something that could not have happened if I accepted my title as a college freshmen.

My point is simple no matter what your age and social title, If you have a skill set and Drive you can start a gratifying and self fulfilling life career now!

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