The curtains where closed and I had already slept in past the alarm. However that didn't seem to bother me at all. It had become a regular occurrence in my life since leaving my job and dropping the majority of my remaining classes. As I began to peer out into my dark cave from the warmth of my soft blankets my days agenda began to meander through my mind. Lets see first on the list take a shower, next was deciding on what to eat for breakfast. Oh and the one important thing for the day call CH2M Hill and confirm a time to interview select employees. "One leg at a time," I reminded myself as I climbed out of bed. I was in no rush to do anything. First things first check my computer, install a new game for the day. Today it was Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. A game I have played well through before about 5 months ago. It was about time for a revisit of the game. while it was installing on my system I wandered around the house preparing myself for the day. It finished, shortly after I had started reading a much delayed book. So the quest began with designing my new Paladin, a crusader for everything noble. I leveled up quickly due to my experience with the game, I cut down evil goblins and solved riddles from the pages of books. Yes I, I was on top of my world and then I looked at the clock and realized it was already noon. So I stopped playing and ate lunch.
After lunch I thought I would do something productive with my day so I ran the list through my head one more time. CH2M Hill was the predominate figure of productivity in my mind. So I called Brenda (a contact at the CH2M Hill office my grandpa introduced me too) and setup a time for interviews at 2:00pm on Thursday. I had done it, I had done my one necessary good deed for the day. Ah my life is definitely a tough one. Although not required I did decide to continue my productive streak, by going to 9th street subway and conducting surveys. I also worked on eliminating moss on the roof.
Later that night, during my unproductive hours after having vanquished many evil doers in Oblivion, I chatted online for a bit and had a very incite full conversation with an old friend of mine. I wont go into detail but the one statement that hit me was the following:
I think that you are more in tune with what you know is right then your mind thinks...you know that the girls you have been with are not right...that the jobs you have had are not right...God has a girl out there for you...a job and a place out there for you Sam...are you willing to let Him be the Lord of your life again though...that's the question...
Never really thought about it that way. I just thought I had commitment Issues....
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