Friday, June 08, 2007

I am Jacks unwanted trash....

So in case you my large reader base of... well I am not exactly sure if this blog even has a reader base considering the fact that I have never received a comment on any of my long ramblings. None the less I will continue... I recently was left standing with my questions unanswered and my heart unrequited.... an experience I believe that most people are familiar with... She left me and that hurt but it was more than that not only did she leave me but her family left me, her friends left me, my dream left me, my lifestyle left me, my belief in fuck it i cant talk about this shit anymore i sound like a sad excuse for a man.... I feel like trash and maybe thats what I am but I am going to be the best damn trash i can be...

1 comment:

All things annie said...

I'm with you, sam!! it feels like you're alone... but you're not. i'll be thinking of you & wishing you only the best.
i am currently trying to be the best damn trash i can be too. hang in there :)