Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The UO, two weeks, and my life

Week One
I woke up with a sense of anxiety and urgency about me. The room was damp, with a slight chill to it. I had just spent my first night in Eugene. It was fairly uneventful but no less than I expected. School had not yet started and I was living at my friends' house until the dorms opened up. That day I spent cleaning and arranging furniture mostly and a bit of it in a daze. Little did I know how accustomed I would become to that dazed state. The next day would be much like the first except that on the second day I went on a short run with Ty around Eugene’s pleasant little downtown. We ran across some hippies, some more vocal than others, with their long beards and little trinkets for sale. Later when we got back to the house we decided to setup our computers for a little gaming. Although we didn’t play much together at all we did engage in the quick Counterstrike Gun game.

The First to arrive at the house was Ryan (Miller) and Nae (Narnia) later to arrive was I and Ty. That Friday however would come the arrival of Kris and Jeremy along with my first official Eugene Party. All I took away from that night was "Hey Baby!" and memories of Cameron running wildly through the lawn sprinklers behind the education building. The next morning we all sat in the family room equally confirming the successes of the night before. It was official the school year had started and it had started right.

Week Two
My roommate Jacob was an honors student and thus allowed me to move into the dorms early, well kind of. You see I didn’t get a key cause I wasn’t suppose to move in early however I just became Jacob's shadow and I didn’t have any issues living without that shiny brass passport. On the day I was granted my building key I remember waking up to the sounds of students and their parents hurriedly running around outside, scrambling to get everything into their rooms. I decided to roll out of bed. The clock read 10:14am; I threw on a pair of shorts, T-shirt and grabbed my flip flops. I walked out to the check in station and handed them my student ID in return I was granted my key and a form. When I got back to my room I turned on the CD player and blared some Blink 182 while I went to take a shower.

The rest of the week I spent getting acquainted with my fellow McClain Hall residents; through dinners and daily activities I began to meet the majority of them, each with very different personalities and backgrounds. I would say I quickly fell in love with college life here at the UO almost too much for my own good as I would find out later. That week I met some girls from the LLC which I quickly became fascinated with (especially since the LLC is A-Mazing) I met them at the Glow-Out which was honestly less than impressive but it was still an excuse for people to get together and have some fun.

That next Friday night the Kincaid boys threw another party equally as kick ass as the first if not more. The place was packed from wall to wall; it was definitely a party there was no doubt about that, from the marijuana being smoked on the back porch to the beer pong in the family room people where having a good time. But nothing good ever lasts, about 11:30 the cops decided to end everybody’s good night. Nobody got in trouble surprisingly and later that night a lot of us all came back to the house to chill and hangout. We ended up calling it a night at around 4:30 only to reconvene for breakfast the next day.

Overall my first two weeks were a blur of amazement, fun, and familiarizing myself with people and places.

Monday, September 03, 2007


So recently I have begun playing the latest installment of a long running MMORPG. EVE Online Revelations II as it is descriptively titled is an immersive galaxy in wich a player can do pretty much anything imaginable while navigating the galaxy for pirates and scordite.

I found myself playing the game with my good friend steven and my brother luke. We began with the general strategy of mining basic minerals in an attempt to accumulate wealth. After approximately six hours of doing mining runs my brother and I set out to explore the galaxy only to find a quicker way to die and lose money.

The next day we discovered the use of agents and missions obtainable through agents. So we covered alot of uncharted territory very quickly while making vast amounts of money in the process. To make a long story short we basically got nowhere in the scheme of things but felt like we had conquered mountains, little micro-enviroment mountains the kinda mountains ants percieve.

Well I really wish I would have spent my time more productively but honestly I probably would have found some less eventfull way to waste it.

-Happy Targeting

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pursuing Your Dreams

It was an interesting night that was for sure, getting off work and going to my computer chatting it up with some friends eating some food and just kinda sitting around. Ok so maybe really not all that interesting of a night.

However my dream was far more interesting. I was down in Corvallis and I was visiting for figure out my school situation and while I was there I decided I wanted to visit some friends and family. So I began to try and dial my brother lukes phone number and was unable to do so. It appeared as though I could not physically dial the number or look it up in my contacts list. So I began to try other numbers in my phone and alas not a sing one would dial. So I found my self running to the nearest pay phone to try and call from there only to find the same dilemma after that I searched through the phone book in an effort to find the addresses for the people I was trying to dial. After a brief moment of searching I realized that I already new the exact addresses of those people. So I headed out on foot in order to find them. After about 5 minutes of walking I suddenly found myself on an old railway tram sitting next to a small oriental family with rugged clothing. After attempting to converse with them I became frustrated and woke up.

I was subconsiously aware that I slept in passed my normal time but I wasnt going to give up on figuring out this frustrating dream of mine and so I fought waking up untill the dream made so little sense it was not woth the sacrifice. You could say however that for that hour and a half on a monday morning Sam Dotson was truly "Pursuing his Dream."

Friday, June 08, 2007

I am Jacks unwanted trash....

So in case you my large reader base of... well I am not exactly sure if this blog even has a reader base considering the fact that I have never received a comment on any of my long ramblings. None the less I will continue... I recently was left standing with my questions unanswered and my heart unrequited.... an experience I believe that most people are familiar with... She left me and that hurt but it was more than that not only did she leave me but her family left me, her friends left me, my dream left me, my lifestyle left me, my belief in fuck it i cant talk about this shit anymore i sound like a sad excuse for a man.... I feel like trash and maybe thats what I am but I am going to be the best damn trash i can be...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Solar Powered

The curtains where closed and I had already slept in past the alarm. However that didn't seem to bother me at all. It had become a regular occurrence in my life since leaving my job and dropping the majority of my remaining classes. As I began to peer out into my dark cave from the warmth of my soft blankets my days agenda began to meander through my mind. Lets see first on the list take a shower, next was deciding on what to eat for breakfast. Oh and the one important thing for the day call CH2M Hill and confirm a time to interview select employees. "One leg at a time," I reminded myself as I climbed out of bed. I was in no rush to do anything. First things first check my computer, install a new game for the day. Today it was Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. A game I have played well through before about 5 months ago. It was about time for a revisit of the game. while it was installing on my system I wandered around the house preparing myself for the day. It finished, shortly after I had started reading a much delayed book. So the quest began with designing my new Paladin, a crusader for everything noble. I leveled up quickly due to my experience with the game, I cut down evil goblins and solved riddles from the pages of books. Yes I, I was on top of my world and then I looked at the clock and realized it was already noon. So I stopped playing and ate lunch.

After lunch I thought I would do something productive with my day so I ran the list through my head one more time. CH2M Hill was the predominate figure of productivity in my mind. So I called Brenda (a contact at the CH2M Hill office my grandpa introduced me too) and setup a time for interviews at 2:00pm on Thursday. I had done it, I had done my one necessary good deed for the day. Ah my life is definitely a tough one. Although not required I did decide to continue my productive streak, by going to 9th street subway and conducting surveys. I also worked on eliminating moss on the roof.

Later that night, during my unproductive hours after having vanquished many evil doers in Oblivion, I chatted online for a bit and had a very incite full conversation with an old friend of mine. I wont go into detail but the one statement that hit me was the following:

I think that you are more in tune with what you know is right then your mind know that the girls you have been with are not right...that the jobs you have had are not right...God has a girl out there for you...a job and a place out there for you Sam...are you willing to let Him be the Lord of your life again though...that's the question...

Never really thought about it that way. I just thought I had commitment Issues....