Week One
I woke up with a sense of anxiety and urgency about me. The room was damp, with a slight chill to it. I had just spent my first night in Eugene. It was fairly uneventful but no less than I expected. School had not yet started and I was living at my friends' house until the dorms opened up. That day I spent cleaning and arranging furniture mostly and a bit of it in a daze. Little did I know how accustomed I would become to that dazed state. The next day would be much like the first except that on the second day I went on a short run with Ty around Eugene’s pleasant little downtown. We ran across some hippies, some more vocal than others, with their long beards and little trinkets for sale. Later when we got back to the house we decided to setup our computers for a little gaming. Although we didn’t play much together at all we did engage in the quick Counterstrike Gun game.
The First to arrive at the house was Ryan (Miller) and Nae (Narnia) later to arrive was I and Ty. That Friday however would come the arrival of Kris and Jeremy along with my first official Eugene Party. All I took away from that night was "Hey Baby!" and memories of Cameron running wildly through the lawn sprinklers behind the education building. The next morning we all sat in the family room equally confirming the successes of the night before. It was official the school year had started and it had started right.

I woke up with a sense of anxiety and urgency about me. The room was damp, with a slight chill to it. I had just spent my first night in Eugene. It was fairly uneventful but no less than I expected. School had not yet started and I was living at my friends' house until the dorms opened up. That day I spent cleaning and arranging furniture mostly and a bit of it in a daze. Little did I know how accustomed I would become to that dazed state. The next day would be much like the first except that on the second day I went on a short run with Ty around Eugene’s pleasant little downtown. We ran across some hippies, some more vocal than others, with their long beards and little trinkets for sale. Later when we got back to the house we decided to setup our computers for a little gaming. Although we didn’t play much together at all we did engage in the quick Counterstrike Gun game.
The First to arrive at the house was Ryan (Miller) and Nae (Narnia) later to arrive was I and Ty. That Friday however would come the arrival of Kris and Jeremy along with my first official Eugene Party. All I took away from that night was "Hey Baby!" and memories of Cameron running wildly through the lawn sprinklers behind the education building. The next morning we all sat in the family room equally confirming the successes of the night before. It was official the school year had started and it had started right.

Week Two
My roommate Jacob was an honors student and thus allowed me to move into the dorms early, well kind of. You see I didn’t get a key cause I wasn’t suppose to move in early however I just became Jacob's shadow and I didn’t have any issues living without that shiny brass passport. On the day I was granted my building key I remember waking up to the sounds of students and their parents hurriedly running around outside, scrambling to get everything into their rooms. I decided to roll out of bed. The clock read 10:14am; I threw on a pair of shorts, T-shirt and grabbed my flip flops. I walked out to the check in station and handed them my student ID in return I was granted my key and a form. When I got back to my room I turned on the CD player and blared some Blink 182 while I went to take a shower.
The rest of the week I spent getting acquainted with my fellow McClain Hall residents; through dinners and daily activities I began to meet the majority of them, each with very different personalities and backgrounds. I would say I quickly fell in love with college life here at the UO almost too much for my own good as I would find out later. That week I met some girls from the LLC which I quickly became fascinated with (especially since the LLC is A-Mazing) I met them at the Glow-Out which was honestly less than impressive but it was still an excuse for people to get together and have some fun.
That next Friday night the Kincaid boys threw another party equally as kick ass as the first if not more. The place was packed from wall to wall; it was definitely a party there was no doubt about that, from the marijuana being smoked on the back porch to the beer pong in the family room people where having a good time. But nothing good ever lasts, about 11:30 the cops decided to end everybody’s good night. Nobody got in trouble surprisingly and later that night a lot of us all came back to the house to chill and hangout. We ended up calling it a night at around 4:30 only to reconvene for breakfast the next day.
My roommate Jacob was an honors student and thus allowed me to move into the dorms early, well kind of. You see I didn’t get a key cause I wasn’t suppose to move in early however I just became Jacob's shadow and I didn’t have any issues living without that shiny brass passport. On the day I was granted my building key I remember waking up to the sounds of students and their parents hurriedly running around outside, scrambling to get everything into their rooms. I decided to roll out of bed. The clock read 10:14am; I threw on a pair of shorts, T-shirt and grabbed my flip flops. I walked out to the check in station and handed them my student ID in return I was granted my key and a form. When I got back to my room I turned on the CD player and blared some Blink 182 while I went to take a shower.
The rest of the week I spent getting acquainted with my fellow McClain Hall residents; through dinners and daily activities I began to meet the majority of them, each with very different personalities and backgrounds. I would say I quickly fell in love with college life here at the UO almost too much for my own good as I would find out later. That week I met some girls from the LLC which I quickly became fascinated with (especially since the LLC is A-Mazing) I met them at the Glow-Out which was honestly less than impressive but it was still an excuse for people to get together and have some fun.
That next Friday night the Kincaid boys threw another party equally as kick ass as the first if not more. The place was packed from wall to wall; it was definitely a party there was no doubt about that, from the marijuana being smoked on the back porch to the beer pong in the family room people where having a good time. But nothing good ever lasts, about 11:30 the cops decided to end everybody’s good night. Nobody got in trouble surprisingly and later that night a lot of us all came back to the house to chill and hangout. We ended up calling it a night at around 4:30 only to reconvene for breakfast the next day.
Overall my first two weeks were a blur of amazement, fun, and familiarizing myself with people and places.