Sunday, February 10, 2008

Too Much Livin too Little Memories

So its definitely been a while since I last wrote in this blog. Kind of a sad twist of fate really cause i traded off living and being busy for capturing life's experiances and memories. Although I do admit I have had a good year to date nay a great year. UO plus early 20's life has exceeded my expectations... I have learned alot about tact with aggression, I have learned my weeknesses and my strengths. I feel that this year has offered me a look into the things that drive me and others as well as what truly makes me happy. I hope and plan to take what I have learned this year and apply it to the more serious parts of my life.

I have learned that I am a social person, I need to be immersed in a social enviroment that both challenges me and supports me in my life goals. Last year I was far removed from a fitting social scene and it definitely showed. Over the course of this year I found myself immersed in a variety of social scenes, some that were really good fits and others that were definitely not my type. No matter what groups I make an effort to hang out with I always take something away from it. I also discovered that I am a social networker, perhaps this is my greatest attraction to being a business major. I also do enjoy certain fascets of marketing and accounting but I strongly beleive that my desire and ability to connect talent together is the biggest pull I have in pursuing a Business Administration degree.

I also learned my ability to seperate physical intamacy from emotional. I really didnt think I would be able to sever the connection on the level that I have. Someday my emotions will resurfice but for now they continue to hide out.

For another topic, I hate my skin, cant stand it, wish i could have someone elses but i know im stuck with it. Its the only part of my life that I feel i dont have complete control over... and that bothers me cause I am somewhat of a transcendentalist meets free-market libertarian, which means I have a pretty well founded beleif that personal choice influences 90% of life's outcome. (another reason I am a business major). Perhaps however it is good that I have one thing in my life i dont have control over, it helps me sympathise with people who dont have control over their lives.

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