As of late I have spent alot of my time doing well, nothing. I guess saying that I have been doing nothing would not be fair to myself or life in general. I have however been doing very little to make any progress whatsoever in my life. In the last two weeks it seems as though I spent most of my time being sick and now that I am not sick I still havent managed to regain my life that existed before. That is why now at 5:34am I am writing in my blog, not because I woke up early but because this is the time at which i am normally headed off to bed to sleep another day away. Why sleep during the day? well simply put its because I have nothing better to do.
I recently went to a few parties they where alright nothing too exciting. Life just seems kinda drab, however I am finding new excitement in the world of web developement and tampering. Kinda just playing around with computers. It has definitely been a while since I last sat down and just actually played around with different applications and web tools. I have also been doing some exploring on the internet in general. Finding clothing on sites like
http://www.threadless.com/ and
http://www.noisebot.com/. All three of those sites specializing in graphic tees.

I also have been spending a bit of time on
http://www.smashingmagazine.com/ a site for anybody who is doing alot of graphic web design and or just about anything techy.
Going to cut things short here but ill try to be more organized and coherent in future posts.
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