Running today was quite inspiring in many ways. It was also alot of fun. It began at the bald hill parking lot, where I parked my car and quickly stretched. I decided that today I would take the paththat goes around the side of the hill instead of assaulting the hill directly. The begginings of the run were very mild calm and uneventfull. However as I kept running and the grade got steeper and steeper I began my internal struggle of will over lazyness. As I rounded the last bend that was familiar to me I could hear the rushing of a lawnmower of sorts. that was on the hillside. It encouraged me to keep a healthy pace, because the sound was loud and irritating. I finally reached a point where the path made an about face in the direction I had just come. However now I was farther up the hill overlooking the path I had just run. So I kept a steady pace marching up the hill. Untill I hit a downhill portion of the path. and when I followed it the path seemed to become narrower and the trees seem to grown in around me. Untill finally I was practically ducking my way through the forest. Not knowing my bearings I continued to run at a faster and faster pace feeling both claustraphobia and anxiety. The path seem to go on forever and my mind calculating my current pace and how long it was taking to get to my destination began to worry. It was although I was Alice in wonderland tumbling down the rabbit hole wondering when would it ever end. After what seemed like an eternity I began to see glimpses of Sunshine beaming through the trees and quicker than I could take in the sight I was launched out of the forest and into the familiar Bald Hill running paths. It was quite an amazing run when it was all over. Yet when I got back to my car I felt more relaxed and refreshed than when I had began my run almost as though I gained energy through my run. Infact I could probably go run it again and again and not feel a thing. Well I think I will take that path once more tommorrow. But if your ever are in my neighbor hood I highly recommend checking it out.