Monday, August 14, 2006

Monday August 14, 2006

Monday started off a bit earlier than most. I awoke at 8:05 a.m. to the sound of my alarm clock playing K-Fly. My body was confused at first why it had to wake up at such an early time but I quickly reminded it of my work schedule. I had just been on vacation in Hermiston, Oregon for the past three days when I got home last night at midnight.

So I stumbled my way out of bed and into my shower. After my body was clean of oils and dirt I brushed my teeth and put in my contacts. Shortly there after drove to work. I felt like I was underwater unable to understand those talking around me and unable to move at a reasonable speed. I was Neo in the matrix with life passing by at an unreal slow pace, except he was able to actually dodge the bullets while it seemed I just kept getting in their way. Another one of my Co-Workers decided to call in sick and so alas we had to pick up the slack untill we could call some-one else in. When my shift was finally over, a co-worker from the next shift arrived but without his uniform. Apparently he had left it at home and was unable to get a bus ride back to his house. So I was hired out to drive him to his house and retrieve his pants. So after a 9 hour shift I called it quits to retire to my house and dedicate the rest of my evening to blogging and music.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I beg to differ.....That was a 9.5 to 10ft ledge I jumped off of twice. I measured it!