Wednesday, August 30, 2006

August Contemplation

Lost Interlude,
So it has been quite some time since my last official post. This can be blamed on my latest switch to Linux 10.1 or on my newly obtained lifestyle (sporadic) and a number of other things. No matter what I choose to blame it on one thing is true I need to get back on track. So that is what I am doing. I apologize to the audience of one or two that checks my blog regularly.

Was the epitamy of well nothingness. However I did make a mild amount of progression in my life. In the areas of Health and Fitness. The day tasted bland and I feel almost more asleep now than when I awoke. Almost as if I never really had need to awake.

So where have I been? Lincoln City Beach Parties, All Night Poker Matches, Watching Movies, Fixing Cars, Working, and Running. All of the things that fill time, make you feel well rounded but leave you with little or no spare resources. Something I hate is not having spare resources (time & money). So I have temporarily given up this tom foolery and returned to stable living in my isolated basement, writing little blogs so i can remember what I have accomplished in my life and know that others are well informed.

Canned Food,
So I have lately been stocking up on canned foods even though I dont even eat more than a meal or two a week at home I have this odd belief that I will someday utilize the resources put before me. Since canned food lasts for a very long time it seems practical to buy. I am only one and am not able of consuming fresh foods within their alloted time before they go bad.

Transcendent Thought,
"If I could learn to live meagerly and enjoy surplus, then would I truly prosper."

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