Friday, August 18, 2006

Thursday August 17th

My day started off cleaning almost everything in my section of the house and doing laundry. I also baked brownies in my minature toaster oven! they didnt turn out perfect but this is only the start to something great.

Around 5pm I headed up to Albany to chill with my brother Luke and go to a BBQ at Molly's sisters house. They were very hospitable and kind people. Had a good time, many intellectual discussions took place with one of the guys there.

Night Continued,
After the BBQ I headed over to apartment L home of Ketch, Todd, and Shawn who are all good friends of mine since Freshmen year. Upon Arrival I watched Todd take second on a texas holdem 30 man Tourney. taking home a winnings of $43.20 not bad for second. Of course it was a small buy in table. Apparently he has been making good money at it. Anyways after that we all hung out at Apartment L for a bit and then headed of to Apartment J. I left around 2:30am and went to bed about 3:00am.

1 comment:

Stevo said...

I've never been so entertained by writing... your bloggin abilities are so thrilling! I think im addicted!!!